A confident KumKum

KumKum, 19, was part of our basic computer class in Nalasopara hub, Mumbai. KumKum has four siblings, and the pandemic made it difficult for her father to run the family with an unstable salary. He could not support the education of all his children and take care of the family expenses. KumKum, being the elder daughter, took on some responsibilities at home and wanted to start earning to help her family. She joined our basic computer course to learn a skill and seek employment.

At our centre, she learnt how to use a computer and to work on basic computer softwares like Microsoft Office, etc. Although this was completely new for KumKum, she was a very attentive student and a quick learner. Our staff saw that she was a leader in the way she helped others, encouraged them and took responsibility for getting things done. She successfully completed the course and was hoping to find a job. Our staff sent her for an interview at a consultancy. As we hoped, she aced the interview and was selected for an Admin/HR role. The consultancy also offered KumKum the opportunity to study and work.She now earns and supports her family along with her father while completing her education. A true transformation.

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