From The Field

February update from Oasis India!

Agents Of Change – Jacintha

Jacintha attends our after-school programme at Hallegudadhahalli Hub in Bangalore. She is also a part of our change agents group and is always the first in exhibiting her leadership skills. At our change agents meetings, children are encouraged to discuss the current issues in their community, educated on life skills and given awareness on trafficking, …

Jan pdf - Deena

Creating a space for growth

Deena*, 20 years old, resides at our group home in Mumbai. When boys this age enjoy a carefree life, Deena carries the responsibility of taking care of himself andfiguring out an uncertain future all by himself. As a child, Deena lived with his mother in the red-light area. Fearing the unclean andunsafe environment, his mother …

Jan pdf

Empowering women for true independence!

Empowering women and creating a sustainable lifestyle for them and their familieshas been our goal. In Chennai, we work with former beneficiaries to create products for sale! Working at this production, has given them something to fall back on,financially. Baby Jasmine has been a part of Oasis’ various programmes for the past 7 years.She finished …


Youth Club for holistic development

Manoj, our change agent in Hallelegudadhahalli, Bangalore loves attending our after-school programme and the youth club. Previously, he was a part of our footballprogramme where he had regular practices, watched live matches with his friends atstadiums and participated in tournaments with other teams. Through football, Manojdeveloped his passion for the game and also learnt to …


Microskilling in Chennai!

Our team in Chennai conducted focus group discussions and personal interviewswith the women in the community of Kalyanapuram to understand their needs.Through this, we found that they were interested to learn new skills which can helpthem to become financially independent. In collaboration with Eben David Charities, our team began a 5-day mirco skilltraining for 14 …