From The Field

bng - asp

Poorvika in asp

“I am Poorvika, and I study in the 5th grade. At Oasis, I am really happy to be a part of the after-school programme where I learn abacus, rubik’s cube, and craft work. I also receive help in learning Hindi and Math. I used to find Hindi very difficult, but after regular coaching, it has …

NE - farming

Income with Cash Crops

“Since becoming a part of Oasis India’s programme, my lifestyle and the financial status of my family has improved a lot. Oasis India’s team provided me with a variety of seeds,including cash crops, which I am now able to grow in my field. This has greatly increased my family’s income. The total income from the …


Nengneiching breaks the barriers to learn football

Nengneiching, 12, was not allowed to play football because she was a girl. Her parents did not think it was necessary for a girl to play sports. When we introduced Football for Life coaching in Teiseng village in Churachandpur, Manipur. Nengneiching longed to be a part of the training but was not allowed. Our staff …

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Santhiya learns to be safe

In Chennai, Santhiya, in the 8th grade, is learning to protect herself and those around her from human trafficking and sexual predators. She is a part of our Project Sarika programme where we teach young girls self-defence, fitness, and football. This programme, as a whole, empowers young girls with skills to be safe and fit. …


Sports helps develop confidence!

Thangminhao, 11, lives with his parents in Sonpi,Churchandpur, Manipur. He underwent surgery as he suffered from vocal issues, which has caused him to have an inferiority complex. Since the surgery, he has beenreluctant to be a part of any social activities at school and has kept to himself at home as well. His parents tried …